cumulative update 2

The Microsoft Integration Team has announced their cumulative update 2 for BizTalk 2013 R2.

This new package will allow you to apply some fixes and also enable some new features.

This cumulative update 2 includes the following fixes:

BizTalk Server adapters

  • FIX: Messaging Engine errors occur when you use WCF-Custom send port to call a WCF service in BizTalk Server
  • FIX: Http send port instance stays active during network failure between BizTalk Server and a web server
  • FIX: SB-Messaging receive location doesn’t retry and is disabled after EndpointNotFoundException in BizTalk Server
  • FIX: “The ‘Operation’ element is not declared” error occurs when you use the WCF-WebHTTP adapter and dynamic send ports in BizTalk Server
  • FIX: A memory leak occurs in a Dllhost.exe process that hosts the MQSAgent2 COM+ application in BizTalk Server
  • WCF-SAP adapter support for the SAP .NET Connector (NCo) is added to BizTalk Adapter Pack
  • FIX: “The FILE send adapter cannot open file” error occurs when you send a file through file adapter on a server that is running Cumulative Update 1 for BizTalk Server 2013 R2
  • FIX: BizTalk EBS adapter doesn’t work with R12 of Oracle eBusiness suite in BizTalk Server 2013 R2
  • FIX: Messages reappear in the queue on a MQSeries server after you restart the BizTalk Server instance

BizTalk Server administration tools and management APIs

  • FIX: “The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date” error when you click the Maps folder in BizTalk Server Administration Console
  • FIX: Transmit pipeline for a two-way receive location is set incorrectly when you import binding file in BizTalk Server
  • FIX: Pipeline settings are reset to “passthru” when you use a custom pipeline in BizTalk Server
  • FIX: Orphaned rows in Tracking_Parts1 and Tracking_Fragments1 tables when you use DTA Purge and Archive job
  • FIX: Importing an orchestration assembly unexpectedly changes the pipelines in ports that the orchestration is bound to
  • FIX: “Cannot insert duplicate Key with unique index” error occurs when you run BizTalk Server backup job

BizTalk Server management tools and business tools

  • FIX: The Tracking Profile Editor may use the wrong schema when the tracking profile is deployed

BizTalk Server accelerators

  • FIX: BTARN Elemica fails when affirmationindicator does not equal “yes” or “no” in BizTalk Server
  • Hotfix to add support for schema versions 2.5.1 and 2.6 to the Update2XMLSchema tool
  • FIX: Saved attachments from a message that is received through the BizTalk Server Accelerator for RosettaNet have extraneous zero-bytes appended

BizTalk Server design tools

  • FIX: You can’t import a binding file that’s created by the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard
  • FIX: Error occurs when you use a blank schema to run transforms in BizTalk Server
  • Add design time support to .NET Framework 4.5.2 for BizTalk projects

BizTalk Server message runtime, pipelines, and tracking

  • FIX: A BOM is added to a message if BAM tracking is enabled in BizTalk Server
  • FIX: Continuation between a Receive port and a Send port is unsuccessfully when a custom pipeline is used in BizTalk Server
  • FIX: XSL processing takes longer in BizTalk Server
  • FIX: Same message being validated inconsistently and randomly failing with schema exception
  • FIX: BAM tracking doesn’t work when you use the XMLReceive or a custom pipeline in BizTalk Server

BizTalk Server general

  • Update to add support for SHA2 certificates in BizTalk Server 2013 R2

BizTalk Server UDDI

  • MS15-087: Description of the security update for UDDI services in BizTalk: August 11, 2015


cumulative update 2 checkBizTalk Server uses a cumulative update (CU) model for providing fixes and updates. Each cumulative update includes new updates in addition to all the updates that were included in previous cumulative updates. We recommend testing and then applying the latest CU to all BizTalk environments.

Here is the link to the Download Center

Download Cumulative Update 2 for BizTalk Server 2013 R2 now.


After installing, you will need to reboot your BizTalk Server(s) to take effect.

A common question:

  • I don’t have any problems. Should I install this Cumulative Update 2?
    • Yes, technically speaking the cumulative updates not only includes bug fixes, they also includes improvements, also as the integrations corporate solutions evolves, the risk to detect issues already fixed by Microsoft also increase. We emphasize to test the CU in a Test Environment before you install the updates at a Production Environment.


The cumulative update package is a unified package that contains both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (amd64/x64) files. To install the update correctly, run the Setup.exe file. Never run other files, such as .msp files, directly.


An improved hotfix installer is used in the cumulative update 2 package. When you install the cumulative update package, the installer displays a list of the installed features that are updated and the number of fixes for each feature.

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