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In software engineering, a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Systems Integrationis a set of principles and methodologies for designing and developing software in the form of interoperable services. This design pattern provides specific application functionality, as services, to other applications via a protocol.

A Service Oriented Architectural approach to software development is independent of any particular vendor, product, or technology suite; although several major vendors of integration packages have specifically customized their offerings to more specifically support the SOA design approach.

Art2link has extensive experience in implementing SOA architectures across a number of different platforms, ranging from BizTalk and WebSphere, to Oracle SOA Suite and WSO2.  This expertise allows us to rapidly build fully enabled SOA composite applications, while avoiding the mistakes so common in this arena.

Service Oriented Architectural (SOA) approaches allow our clients to boost their business agility, and take full advantage of the write-once/use-many software development that SOA offers.

Service Enablement
Service enablement is a key requirement for developing manageable Web Services.  Service enablement allows developers to dynamically provision new web services, and make those services available to multiple user-applications across a shared infrastructure.

WSDL and SOAP are the communication vehicles that typically are used to facilitate the services being enabled.  Part of the WSDL provided by the service provider is passed to the service consumer in specifying what the requests and responses are.  The Service consumer then sends SOAP messages as service requests to the provider.  The service provider then provides the expected SOAP responses back to the consumer to complete the requests.

A critical aspect of any SOA initiative is using a SOA architectural approach to enable not only existing IT assets, but also to provide focus for the architectural design; focus on the overall business need, rather than an indeterminate technical goal..

Art2link’s Package Expertise in SOA

  • BizTalk Server
  • SQL Server / SSIS
  • Oracle SOA Suite
  • IBM WebSphere
  • IBM Integration Bus

For more information visit Service-oriented architecture

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